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¿Cómo añadir iconos Font Awesome en Astra?

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Astra hace no viene con Font Awesome Icons pero utiliza un icono de fuente personalizado. La biblioteca que hemos utilizado es ligero y contiene sólo los iconos necesarios requeridos para el tema.

But Font Awesome Icons can be easily added with the external plugin. Below are the steps to add Font Awesome Icons to Astra:

Adding Font Awesome Icons on Website Pages

Paso 1: Choose a plugin from the WordPress repository that lets you load the Font Awesome library to your site. For instance – Mejor Font Awesome.

Paso 2: Install and activate this plugin on your WordPress dashboard.

You can now use shortcodes for font awesome icons anywhere on your website including the header, footer, sidebar, etc.

For example – [icon name=home] will display the home icon from Font Awesome. We’ll add it to one of our pages:

Here’s how it will look on your website:

Now, [icon name=user class=”fa-2x”] will display the same icon but with a bigger size. You can check out more of these icon codes aquí.

Adding Font Awesome Icons to Your Menus

Navigate to your WordPress dashboard, then go to Apariencia > Menús. From there, edit the navigation label of a menu item by inserting the icon code you desire.

Haga clic en el botón Guardar menú button to apply these changes. You can get more of these icon codes aquí.

You can add menu icons in multiple ways, check out this artículo para más detalles.

That’s it! Following similar steps, you can add any font icon library on your website such as Entypo.

Adding these icons is a simple yet powerful way to enhance your site’s appearance and user experience. If you have any further questions about adding icons, please reach out to our support.

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