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Enable or Disable Beaver Builder While Importing Starter Templates

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You can select the page builders you want to use with Starter Templates and skip the ones you don’t need.

También puede decidir si un constructor de páginas en particular se muestra en el menú desplegable o no. Este desplegable se muestra mientras importing classic starter templates.

Para ello, actívelos o desactívelos en la configuración de WordPress o utilice un filtro rápido en su navegador funciones.php archivo.

This article will walk you through both of these incredibly simple methods.


How to Enable/Disable Beaver Builder From Your WordPress Dashboard

Vaya a su panel de control de WordPress y siga estos pasos:

  • Vaya a Ajustes > General.
  • Check the box next to the “Disable Beaver Page Builder Templates in Starter Templates”
  • Haga clic en el botón Guardar cambios para aplicar estos cambios.

The Beaver Builder option will now disappear from the page builder dropdown.

Disabling Beaver Builder Using WordPress Filters

Nota: It’s advisable not to edit the funciones.php in the parent theme directly. If you prefer to modify the functions.php file directly, it’s recommended to do so on the tema infantil.

Alternatively, you can disable the Beaver Builder dropdown option using WordPress filters.

Simply add the following filter to your functions.php file located at Apariencia > Editor de archivos temáticos > funciones.php:

update_option( 'st-beaver-builder-flag', 1 );

Echa un vistazo este article for information on adding custom code to your WordPress sites.

If you don’t want to tamper with your functions.php file, consider using free plugins like Fragmentos de código to add the above filter.

Previewing Your Changes

Compruebe si estos cambios se han aplicado correctamente en su plugin Starter Templates.

Para ello, vaya a Plugins > Plugins instalados and click on the “See Library” option under your Starter Templates plugin.

Continúe con los siguientes pasos hasta que vea esta pantalla. Haga clic en el menú desplegable del constructor de páginas:

As you can see, there are only three options here and the option for Beaver Builder is no longer visible.

If you want to make Beaver Builder visible again in the dropdown, just remove the check next to the “Disable Beaver Builder Page Builder Templates in Starter Templates” or remove the above filter.

That’s it! If you face any issues enabling or disabling the Beaver Builder dropdown, please reach out to us. We’re always here to help!

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