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¿Cómo instalar Astra Theme?

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Did not find a solution? We are here to help you succeed.

Astra is a popular WordPress theme known for its speed, simplicity, and flexibility. It’s designed to be lightweight and customizable, making it suitable for a wide range of website projects.

It is free to use. Therefore, Astra can be installed and used like any other theme. The procedure to install Astra onto your WordPress dashboard is pretty straightforward.

Installing Astra On Your WordPress Dashboard

To install Astra on your site, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to your WordPress Dashboard.

2. Head over to Apariencia > Temas, and click on this Añadir nuevo tema botón.

3. You can search for the Astra theme through this search bar or upload the theme file directly from your device.

4. Install the Astra theme on your WordPress dashboard.

5. Activate your Astra theme.

Congratulations! Astra has been successfully installed on your website! You’ll now see a new Astra dashboard option available. Access it to begin customizing your newly installed Astra theme.

Nota: To manually install the Astra theme, download the zip file from the WordPress Repository aquí. For installation instructions using the zip file, refer to this artículo.

For assistance in installing the Astra Pro (Addon) Plugin, instructions can be found in this artículo.

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If you have any doubts, reach out to our support team. We’re always here to help!

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Descargar gratis Astra Theme - Modal Popup Form