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Astra Pro WP Comandos CLI

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This document has the information related to WP-CLI commands available with the Astra Pro Addon, a premium plugin that extends the functionalities of the Astra theme.

Astra Pro WP Comandos CLI

The Astra theme already offers a set of customization options for your website. However, the Astra Pro Addon enhances your experience by introducing support for specific WP-CLI commands. These commands provide a powerful and efficient way to manage various aspects of your Astra website directly from the command line.

To leverage these Pro features, ensure you have both the Astra theme and the Astra Pro Addon plugin installed and activated on your website.

Activating Your Astra Pro Addon License with WP-CLI

Here’s a WP-CLI command for activating your Astra Pro Addon license.

wp brainstormforce license activate astra-addon your-license-key-here

Replace “your-license-key-here” with your actual Astra Pro Addon license key. This command streamlines the activation process, saving you time and effort.

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