Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 15, 2017

Astra Pro v1.0.0-rc.4 Updates


  • Header or Primary menu background color applied to mobile menu background color.


  • SVG logos cannot be cropped hence this will fall back to resizing the logo with CSS when using an SVG logo.
  • Target Rules not working on the Archive pages.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 13, 2017

Astra Pro 1.0.0-rc.3 Updates


  • Introduced: Header Sections Addon. Read Announcement Post →
  • Advanced Hooks – Ace code editor for PHP Snippet.
  • Advanced Headers – Retina logo option.
  • Advanced Headers – Logo width option.
  • Scroll to Top – Hide on mobile option.
  • Sticky Header – Enable on mobile.
  • Sticky Header – Logo width option.


  • Advanced Headers – Optimized target rules.
  • Advanced Hooks – Optimized target rules.
  • Advanced Hooks – Live preview in page builder.


  • Typography blog post archive.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 13, 2017

Version 1.0.19



  • Improvement: Register Astra meta box only for the public post type.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Title is not working for anspress questions shortcode.
  • Fixed: Accessibility, focus on navigation link, color not working as on hover
  • Fixed: Display correct page title When on Astra Settings Page.
Sujay Pawar Profile Pic
Sujay Pawar
August 29, 2017

Astra Pro 1.0.0-rc.2 Updates


  • Sticky Header – New appear animation styles fade and slide.
  • Sticky Header – Options enable sticky header on mobile
  • Sticky Header – Options to set different logo for sticky header
  • Typography Addon – Button typography options.


  • astra_addon_activated` action hook added, it triggered after activation of any astra addon.
  • astra_addon_deactivated` action hook added, it triggered after deactivation of any astra addon.
  • Advanced Hooks – Action hook’s description updated with actual hook name.
  • Sticky Header – Shrink header functionality.
  • Updated Brainstorm Updater to latest version.


  • Scroll to Top icon visible if masthead is exist and scroll height is more than masthead.
  • Tooltip not working on Advanced hooks.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
August 24, 2017

Astra Pro 1.0.0-rc.1 Updates


  • New : Introduced new Blocks addon – Add content conditionally in the various hook areas of the theme.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
August 24, 2017

Version 1.0.18


  • New: Blog / Archive and Single Post Layout : Post Structure sortable option added to control the post title and post featured image.
  • New: Base Typography : Paragraph Margin Bottom option added to control all the paragraph’s margin bottom.
  • New: Option to disable Footer widgets in page meta.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
August 23, 2017

Astra Pro 1.0.0-beta.11 Updates

Bug Fix

  • Fixed: Scroll to Top offsetHeight not found if there is no header element on the site.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
August 22, 2017

Astra Pro 1.0.0-beta.10 Updates

Bug Fix

  • Fixed: Handled PHP notice when Advanced Headers settings saved.
  • Fixed: Handled PHP notice for Custom Primary Menu.
  • Fixed: Advanced Headers tabs design conflicts with other plugin.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
August 19, 2017

Astra Pro 1.0.0-beta.9 Updates


  • Improvement: Updated location setting this will be a breaking change, but design will not effect.