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How to Set the Full Width/Stretched Container Layout in Astra?

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Note: The previous Container Layout options have been refined and consolidated into three new options. Check out this article for more information.

As explained in the Container Overview, a website can have two containers:

  • Primary Container.
  • Secondary Container.

Main content appears in the Primary Container, whereas the Secondary Container consists of the sidebar and different widgets in the sidebar.

The “Full Width / Stretched” layout merges the primary and secondary containers and displays them in a single container. And the width of the container is stretched to the fullest.

Due to the stretched width of the container, the content runs edge to edge to the width of the browser.

To activate this option:

  • Access the customizer at Appearance > Customize.
  • Navigate to Global > Container and select “Full Width”.

No background color is applied in “Full Width / Stretched” layouts since the primary container occupies the entire browser.

These layouts work best with page builders like Beaver Builder, Elementor, etc. where you can set container width with page builder.

We provide more styling options in dedicated modules of the Astra Pro Addon plugin. Learn more about the Site Layout here.

For any doubts, kindly contact our support. We’re always here to help!

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