Last Updated 25 Jul 2024

How To Write Emails to Clients for Maximum Engagement (Include Examples and Templates)

Quick Summary ↪ This article shows how to craft emails that are informative, engaging, and purpose-driven. It provides guidelines on structuring emails to grab attention, deliver key points, and encourage client responses. Explore practical examples and templates for 15 different client communication scenarios.

Send Effective Client Emails

Whether it’s to convince a client to work with you, ask for a referral, or to get paid for the work you have done – email can be compelling if used correctly.

If you’re like most business owners, you probably spend a lot of time and energy trying to build your client base. You might send resounding emails with a new offer or an exciting announcement, but are those emails actually driving new client signups?

To effectively use email for client communications, it’s important to have a clear strategy that goes beyond just sending out generic emails.

This article will uncover the guidelines and the anatomy of a good email – so you are empowered to create a strong email copy for all your client communications.

So, let’s get started.

General guidelines for email communications

General Guidelines for Email Communications

Before you dive into how to create emails for client communications – it’s essential to keep some fundamentals in mind.

Regardless of the type of email you send, it will be useful for you to keep these general guidelines in mind before hitting the “reply,“send,” or “forward” button.

1. Email – Is it the right medium?

Not all clients are created equal, right?

The projects they give you will vary from one client to another. So will their communication style.

Each person has a unique mode of communication that they like and prefer.

  • Some people prefer face-to-face meetings
  • Some prefer virtual meetings via IMs, Zoom, or Google Hangouts
  • And some prefer instant messaging, such as Slack and Whatsapp
  • While others people prefer email

A particular client might not be a fan of email communication and may prefer phone calls or one-on-one meetings.

It will be beneficial to match that communication style and use phone calls or meetings with that particular client.

If you end up pursuing this relationship by email (because that’s what you prefer), you might potentially frustrate them.

2. Email frequency

Email has got a bad rap in the business world – because of spammers and its misuse.

If you have ever worked in an office, you know the sheer number of emails we get.

The silly forwards, the read receipts, the reminders, the one-line emails, and so on.

No wonder people are frustrated!

Before you send an email to your clients, keep this in mind. Not everything requires an email.

For instance, status updates and project timelines can be communicated via other mediums.

Significant discussions such as pricing, proposals, and hiring can be discussed via a phone call or virtual meeting.

3. Your responsiveness

Are you able to get back to your client in a short time (ideally less than 24 hours)?

As a freelancer or an independent contractor, you are most likely remote or working outside your client’s office.

Your clients don’t have the luxury of walking to your desk to ask a question or discuss a problem.

So they may rely on email.

Make it a point to always respond in less than 24 hours.

Don’t keep your clients waiting!

4. Use of jargon

Most people agree that Steve Jobs was the master of product launches.

Apple, thanks to Jobs, had some of the best launches in modern history.


Very simple. Steve Jobs rarely used any technical or industry words in his presentations.

Everything he said was simple and explained in layman’s terms — no jargon, no hard-to-understand words.

The message – 1000 songs in your pocket was more compelling than any other technical specifications that Apple could have mentioned during their product launch.

Simplicity always sells. Refrain from using jargon in your client emails.

Even if your client is technical – keep your emails simple and to the point.

Leave the industry terms or specifications for a meeting or call.

5. Email length

On average, an individual receives 121 emails a day (and that number keeps growing).

It has become more and more challenging to cut through the noise.

If your emails are too long – your clients will not respond right away.

They will save it for later, so they can read it again and hopefully come up with a response.

Also, most users read their emails on their mobile devices.

Email is one of the most used applications on everyone’s phones.

Keep your emails precise and to the point.

Anything that requires a lot of explanation (such as a proposal or pricing) should be directed to a document outside the email body.

If anything requires clarifications, then offer to jump on a call or meeting with your client to explain.

6. Always think mobile

Most people use their smartphones to read emails and conduct business.

Most mobile email clients are not meant to load images and icons – which can cause user frustration.

Also, emails that display incorrectly on mobile are usually deleted within three seconds.

So avoid embedding images, gifs, or anything else within the email that would impact the user experience.

Remove any social media icons or company logos in your company signatures.

The faster your email loads in a mobile browser, the less frustrated they will be.

Put yourself in the shoes of your reader.

Do you get frustrated if the email takes too long to load? Then don’t do the same to your clients!

7. The tone of the email

Your relationship with your client should always be professional.

Usually, you are offering them a service for which they provide payment.

You might even know your clients on a friendly basis, but that doesn’t mean you have to email them as if you are emailing a friend.

Avoid using terms such as LOL and IMHO, among others.

Reduce the number of smiley faces in your emails and avoid using slang.

At the same time-don’t be too formal. You don’t have to address your clients as “Dear Sir” or “Respected John”.

The most appropriate greeting in your emails should be their “First Name.”

A simple “John” or “Hi Mary” should be fine.

Keep it professional but approachable.

8. Make your emails about them and not you

Put yourself in the shoes of your client for a moment.

  • Do they care about your freelance practice?
  • Do they care about your skills?
  • Or how much income you want to make?

We don’t mean to be harsh here. But think for a moment.

The answer to all the questions above is probably “NO.

Your clients are concerned about their jobs, teams, projects, and deadlines, among other things.

If you were in their shoes, you would also be thinking about these things too.

So why do so many salespeople, business owners, and freelancers struggle with email communications?

Most emails are written from the sender’s point of view (YOU), not the recipient’s (YOUR CLIENT).

There is too much “me…me…me” in emails, making it less valuable for the client.

And that’s why so many emails don’t get read and are deleted.

So, make sure to change the theme of your emails to be more customer-centric and make it more personalized.

More on this later.

9. Proofread

Make sure your emails have no spelling or grammatical mistakes.

Spelling mistakes and grammar errors reduce your credibility as a professional.

It puts doubts in the mind of your customers whether you can do a decent job on the projects they will hire you for.

Re-read your email before sending it.

Ask yourself these questions before hitting the “send” button:

  • Will I read this email?
  • How will I respond to this email?

You can use free tools such as Grammarly and G-Suite to help you with spell checking and proofreading.

10. Spam-proof your emails

It won’t happen every day, but once in a while, a client will say, “I didn’t get your email.”

Then you resend your email to them, and they still haven’t received it.

Then you ask them to check the junk mail or spam folder.

The client checks and then replies – “Yes – I got it”

To save time and be more efficient – ensure in advance that your emails do not go to spam.

It’s hard to guarantee your emails won’t go to a spam folder, but here are a few things you can do:

  • Avoid using Hotmail
  • Reduce the number of images (or have no pictures)
  • Include fewer attachments
  • Use plain text email signatures
  • Avoid using spammy words in the email subject line, such as FREE, Offer, and more

The anatomy of a good client email

The Anatomy of a Good Client Email

You will probably send clients a range of different emails (which we will cover in a few moments).

Before you get into examples and templates, you need to understand and internalize the basic building blocks of email communications.

Understanding this will empower you to craft effective emails.

Let’s look at the various elements that make up a compelling email copy.

1. The subject line

What would you say is the purpose of the email subject line?

If you said, “to get the email opened,” then you are correct!

Nothing else. Nothing more.

Similar to how a blog headline will make people click and read that article. In the same way, an email subject line should make them want to open the email.

It’s the first thing the prospect sees when they receive an email.

People will decide whether to open or delete your email just by glancing at the subject line.

Here’s an image that the team at Buffer put together.

This is a typical email inbox viewed on a desktop.

Before opening any email, the recipient or the inbox owner can make a decision about which email to read or not.

The Subject Line

Source: Buffer

Here’s a simple hack to entice your subject lines and increase the chances of your email being opened.

Most people don’t use this.

Add their {First Name} or {Company Name} to the subject line.

It alone will help you get a boost in open rates by up to 22%.

Here are a few email subject line suggestions:

  • Your content goals at {Company Name}
  • {First Name}, a question regarding your 2023 branding guide
  • Can you spare a moment, {First Name}?
  • Your latest {Company Name} app UX
  • Does Friday work for our proposal discussion, {First Name}?
  • Who else can I help, {First Name}?

This small trick alone will boost your email open rates.

If you’re skeptical, think about the last time you received an email with your name in the subject line.

Did you open it? If yes, then you know this method is effective.

For other subject line best practices, we encourage you to do some testing.

The email marketing industry is divided on what is useful:

  • Some say shorter subject lines are better, while others disagree
  • Some say use emojis, while others say it’s unprofessional
  • Some say use parenthesis, while others say don’t

Here’s our verdict – YOU be the Judge!

Try different subject lines and A/B test each of them.

Test emojis, test the tone, and test everything.

Each industry, country, and client situation might be different.

You can only find that by testing out different variations.

2. The greeting

As discussed above – communicating with your clients is a delicate balance between being professional and not being too formal.

The simpler the greeting, the more ideal it is.

Here are a few ideas you can try:

  • Hello {First Name}
  • Hi {First Name}
  • Hey {First Name}

Keeping it simple like this helps set the right tone for the rest of the email.

It shows a little bit of familiarity and also is informal.

It was also one of Steve Jobs’s principles of sending an email. He always used the person’s first name in his email communications.

Most effective email openings.

Source: Boomerang

Our recommendation for you is to stay away from “Greetings John” or “Dear John.”

These make the context of the email too structured and formal. Also, it might be inappropriate in some cultures to address someone as “dear.”

3. The purpose

The sooner you get to the purpose of the email, the better.

Ideally, it should come immediately after the opening/greeting.

If you do this, you ensure that your recipient (client) will continue reading the rest of the email.

Once again, this can be short and to the point.

Below is an example template from the team at Boast.

The template can be used for asking for a review/survey after someone has made a purchase.

The recipient (or the customer) immediately knows what the email is for.

The opening also forms an excellent continuation of the subject line.

Purpose of the mail

Original Source:

Here’s a new client prospecting email from freelance writer Elna Cain.

She immediately gets to the point and lets the client know why she is emailing them.

As you can note – Elna is following up on a job ad and also explains where she found the client’s name and email.

effective email Elna Cain


Here’s an example template put together by the team at iHire.

This template is for someone following up after an event.

The email starts with a reminder about the event.

The sender immediately jumps into the reason for the follow-up.

During their meeting at the past event – the potential client mentioned having some issues and is possibly looking for a solution.

Following up after an event


To summarize this section about the purpose of your email, get to the point as soon as possible.

Any small talk (such as weather and news) can be saved for a future email if and when the client responds.

When relevant, add a familiarity bridge that talks about any reminders of the last conversations, such as meetings and more.

4. The evidence

The purpose of your email (as discussed above) will vary based on the type of email you are sending your client.

Regardless of the purpose, your email should validate your points.

That’s where the evidence or proof comes into play.

It is especially useful when you are reaching out to a brand new prospect. (Cold email outreach).

After you build familiarity and state the purpose, give them a reason to trust you.

The more social proof and case studies you can include in your copy, the more they will trust you.

In this cold email example below by the team at MailShake, the sender is demonstrating how a similar company has achieved results by working with them.

When emailing C-level or V-level executives, use this type of email template.

They are typically measured by their results and respond well to facts and figures.

Email showing the evidence proof


The next example from the team at Nutshell shows precisely what they will be expecting if they decide to work with you.

Even though there are no stats or proof in this example, anyone reading this email will know that the sender is knowledgeable, trustworthy, and can be relied upon.

Email regarding the expectation


5. The closing

This is the final section of your email.

The closing is where you ask them to take a specific action.

Too many freelancers or business owners end an email like this:

  • Let me know what you think.
  • Let me know
  • Looking forward to your thoughts.

The problem with such statements is that it is too vague.

You are also putting them in a situation where they are expected to think and may not be sure how to respond right away.

The goal of any email you send – is to get a response. Then you have to make it easy for them to respond.

Most people use statements such as “let me know” because they don’t want to come across as pushy.

On the flip side, if you are not being assertive, you are also hurting your chance of getting a reply.

Your closing should tie into the purpose of your email.

  • If your goal is to get a meeting, then ask for a meeting
  • If your goal is to get the proposal signed, state the next steps
  • If your goal is to get a review, then show them where they can leave a review

Here’s an example template from the team at Vendsta.

The email is from an agency prospecting for a new client.

The clear next step is for them to send a proposal/pricing information.

And that’s what the sender is asking.

Email with clear instructions at the end of mail


Here’s an example template from the team at CareerAddict.

The sender follows up after an event, and their goal is to invite the recipient for a coffee meeting.

Email about short meeting.

Source: CareerAddict

Your email aims to get a response (a reply to talk to you or discuss further or book a discovery call). Adding any URL or links takes them away from this email and will distract them.

Keep it simple.

If the client wants to see more information, they will always ask for a link to your website or meeting link, or resource.

The 15 different types of client emails

Types of Emails Section

1. The proposal email

A proposal is often the final step before winning the client’s project.

You might send out the proposal in a PDF or using a proposal software.

By this point, you might have already discussed the scope of the project, your credentials, testimonials, and anything else that proves that you can execute the project.

The proposal step is for the client to get clarity on what the project will be and the terms of the project (such as timeline, delivery, and payments)

Your clients won’t have time to read a 5-page proposal right in their email. The purpose of the proposal email is only to state the objectives and the next steps.

Leave any details or technicalities out of the copy. The client should be directed to the actual PDF or document.

The purpose of this email is two-fold:

  • Get them to read the proposal
  • Act on the next steps (sign or set up a meeting)

Here’s a template of a proposal email.

As you can see, the subject line is clear.

The call to action is clear. The client either needs to sign the agreement or jump on a call to discuss any concerns.

Subject: Website Redesign Proposal for [Client]

2. The proposal follow-up email

You have sent a proposal, but the client hasn’t responded yet.

There might be a few scenarios why they haven’t replied yet:

  • The client might have forgotten
  • They might be busy with the other tasks that they are working on
  • They might have forwarded it to someone else in the company for review or approval
  • Or worst-case, they are not interested anymore

It happens more often than that in our dealings with clients. We don’t get a response in a timely manner.

Regardless of the reason, it is always essential to get an update from them.

The best thing to do is to nudge them gently.

Send a follow-up email.

It’s ok to be slightly persistent by not being pushy. The key is to keep these emails very short.

You have already explained the project, shared your portfolio, samples, and your proposal in your last email.

So, no need to repeat yourself. Keep the proposal follow-up emails short and sweet.

Here is a follow-up email sequence that is short and to the point. They are meant to get some responses.

I like that it is not a single email but a 3-step sequence.

First follow-up:

1 week later (second follow-up):

3 ~ 4 days later (third follow-up):

Just in case you prefer a single follow-up email, you could consider this email template.

3. The invoice email

You delivered a project for the client, and now it’s time for you to get paid.

For invoice emails, keep it professional and simple. Once you create an invoice, generate a PDF and attach it to the email.

Or add a URL. Most invoicing solutions like PayPal, Stripe and Bonsai allow you to do this.

You don’t have to go into a lot of details about the invoice in the email body. Leave all the details out of the copy.

The purpose of this email is simply to notify them that you are sending the invoice and how they can reach you if there are any questions.

Here’s a simple and straightforward email template.

4. The delayed payment email

As a freelancer or a business owner, we’re sure you have come across a client who does not pay on time.

If not, you will, it’s just the nature of the game.

In an ideal world, all our invoices will be paid immediately. But that’s not always the case.

According to a study of 250,000 invoices from software company Due, they found that:

  • 84% of all invoices got paid
  • 63% got paid within 30 days
  • 18% got paid within 14 days
  • And if a client had not paid within 90 days, then there is only an 18% chance that they will ever spend again (Ouch, that has to hurt!)

So, as you can see, you are not alone.

It is better to be ready if and when this happens.

If you create a delayed payment email template, you can then send it if you run into this situation.

Here’s an email template that you can send before the invoice due date. It merely acts as a reminder.

The email is short and simple.

It has a clear subject line, so the client knows what the email is all about.

Also, the tone is very professional.

Subject: Invoice [#XXX]

Now, let’s say that the unfortunate happened, and the client still hasn’t paid.

At this point, you are a bit frustrated. However, you want to give them a chance.

Maybe they got busy or forgot.

Give them the benefit of the doubt. So try something like this.

Keep the tone still professional. Maybe they just need another nudge or reminder.

Subject: Invoice [#XXX]

Here’s the worst-case scenario.

It is way beyond the due date (maybe a couple of weeks or a month), and you still have not heard anything back.

You are beyond being polite at this point. You have held your end of the bargain. The project has been delivered, and the client got what they asked and wanted.

This next email should be firm and to the point.

Here’s an email template that mentions a potential overdue fee if the client does not make the payment.


Some freelancers and agencies use a late payment fee.

If this is the case, include the payment terms in your proposal (to avoid any surprises or conflicts)

5. The cross-sell email (or win-back email)

We would all love steady clients that give us predictable projects every single week.

But that doesn’t happen every day.

A small number of clients are repeat customers. Some would work with us for a few months, and others only for a one-time project.

We are always pursuing new strategies or techniques to win new clients. That’s just part of being a freelancer or an agency.

However, your existing and past client base is a goldmine. They have worked with you and purchased services from you in the past.

It is always cheaper in time and money to retain and resell to existing clients than to chase new ones.

For instance, you can always cross-sell an existing client.

If there are other services you provide, then reach out to your clients, and inform them that you can help them.

Here’s an example email template that you can consider using.

The email mentions why the client is being contacted (to sell SEO services). There is a mention of past happy clients to improve trust.

Here’s another example.

In this case, the sender is contacting the client to hire them for repeat services.

This is applicable to situations for service businesses like accounting and more.

6. The review request email

Online reviews can do wonders for your business. They can help you stand out, build more trust, and speed up your sales cycle.

You can receive reviews on any platform that a client engages with you.

For example:

  • Social media – Facebook page
  • Online search Google reviews
  • Agency reviews – Clutch
  • Freelancer reviews – UpWork,, LinkedIn Profiles
  • Software product reviews – G2Crowd, TrustRadius
  • Contractor reviews – Angie’s List
  • And so on…

72% of customers won’t take action unless they read reviews. The more reviews you get, you increase your chances of being hired (and being hired faster).

You can surely use an email template to help you gain more reviews.

Here’s an example of a review request email asking for Google reviews.

The goal of this email is to get customers to the reviews page and get them to fill out the information there.

NOTE – this is the only email template so far that I am encouraging adding a URL in the email copy.

Here’s another review request email that can be used on any platform.

It is a very short and simple email.

It specifically mentions that writing the review will only take 60 seconds to overcome objections.

7. The testimonial request email

Testimonials and case studies are useful because they help you showcase your social proof.

Your prospective clients want to see who else you have worked with and what you have done for them. It builds trust and reduces any perceived risk of working with you.

Perhaps, you already have a dedicated page on your portfolio website that shows testimonials and case studies.

The best time to ask for a testimonial is immediately after you have completed a successful project from a client.

It is fresh on your mind, so they are more likely to give you a case study.

Here’s an example of a testimonial request email.

The purpose is very clear and straightforward.

There is also a link that will take them to a page with other testimonials so the client knows what to write.

Here’s another testimonial request email template from Ramit Sethi’s team.

It uses a similarly direct approach.

Most importantly, he is making it very easy for the client to approve the testimonial.

The copy for the testimonial is already written.

The work is almost 90% done, and all the client has to do is approve or make small changes.

Testimonial mail with already written testimonial

Source: IWillTeachYouToBeRich


Here’s a technique that will increase your chances of getting a testimonial.

Before you ask your client for it, give them a review first.

Head over to Upwork, Glassdoor, or LinkedIn and write them a positive review.

It will use the law of reciprocity to your benefit.

People are more likely to give something back when you have done something nice for them.

8. The referral request email

The most important network for freelancers and entrepreneurs is word of mouth. It is still the most cost-effective form of marketing.

But most of us wait for our clients to provide us with a referral.

We wait for them to hopefully one day give us the names of their peers that you can contact.

Here’s the problem with waiting.

Our clients are busy, and they sometimes forget that we exist. The thought of giving you a referral might not even cross their minds.

So, you need to be proactive.

By merely sending them an email, you can in their mind.

By doing so, they may recommend you whenever a relevant request from their network comes along.

The best time to ask for a referral is as soon as you have completed a project for them.

You can accomplish this by using the following email template.

First of all, it’s short, simple, and to the point. It’s also professional.

The opening is effective because you are gently reminding them how awesome you are and how you have helped them.

The “ask” is also straightforward. They know precisely what you are looking for.

Now, let’s say that you received a referral. Don’t forget to thank your existing client.

It is always good to keep them informed and to let them know that you always appreciate their support.

Use this template. It’s professional and a nice way to remind your client that you got that new lead because of them.


It is optional to offer them a discount or a bonus when you receive a client referral.

It depends on your industry and also your current relationship with the client.

Most clients would appreciate a discount. It cements your relationship further with them.

9. The cold email (for new prospects)

Despite the rise of social media and online marketplaces, emails continue to be useful for finding new prospects.

Many freelancers, solopreneurs, and small business owners use cold emails, often with the help of cold emailing software, to find new clients.

You can do the same.

The principle of using email to find new prospects is the same as any other email templates that we have discussed so far in this article.

Here’s what you need to keep in mind before crafting cold emails

  • Mention something relevant in the opening statement
  • Keep all your cold emails short
  • The goal is not to make a sale in the first email
  • The goal of this email type is to book a call or meeting

Here’s a cold outreach email template that is very short and to the point.

The goal of this copy is to get a quick response (yes or no) from the prospect.

Most importantly, the opening is very personalized.


It helps to do a little research about your client. This way, your email is not marked as spam or deleted.

Here’s another cold email template.

The email is direct and to the point. The client can immediately respond with a yes or no.

The difference is that a value statement (or evidence) is added to the copy.

It is meant to build trust and create curiosity in the reader.

Cold emailing is a skill like any other that can be honed and improved with practice.

Your response rate and success will depend on your industry, location and services.

The best way to gauge and measure is by testing different variations.

10. Introduction email to potential clients

Whether it’s a potential client, team member, or any business, introduction emails are powerful and help set the right tone for any relationship.

It’s like a make-or-break relationship. You get the right tone and message across, you’re in business!

When you write introduction emails, ensure you have the email tailored to the recipient.

By getting to know a little bit about your potential client’s business, product or service, you come across as someone who does their homework and is serious about your client’s business.

Be concise, professional, and proofread before hitting send.

By doing all of these, you create a great first impression and, not to mention, build long-term relationships.

Here’s an email template that will help you write an effective introduction email, especially if you are pitching for SEO services.

11. Providing business, product, or service information

This is a key stage of the client relationship and should be done in an informative, helpful, and polite way.

This can also be incorporated into your introduction email to make it feel more personal.

Your client will first want to know what you do and how your services can help them.

You can write an informational email explaining what your company does, how you help your clients, and what you charge.

If your client is interested in learning more about your business, they will likely respond to your email, so it’s important to keep it brief.

Here’s an email template that should be a good fit to provide information.

It’s short, concise, and to the point!

12. Scheduling or rescheduling a meeting

Love them or hate them, meetings are the lifeblood of productivity. It’s how you ensure your team is on track with their short-term and long-term deadlines and goals.

While there are several apps and marketing tools to remind you of your meetings, emails still work best when you have to schedule one with your team members or prospective clients.

Here’s an example of an email scheduling a meeting with a client.

Here’s another example of scheduling a meeting with your team members.

While you’d like to stick to the scheduled meeting, last-minute changes can occur.

This could either be due to some urgent project deadline that needs to be attended to first, an unanticipated personal commitment, or you could also be feeling under the weather.

In such cases, you’d probably want to send out an email and reschedule the meeting.


Always notify the attendees at the earliest and be as descriptive as possible. Propose an alternative date and time, apologize sincerely and show appreciation.

Here’s an example of a rescheduling email you can send to your team members.

13. Product discount email template

Discounts and other kinds of promotions can boost sales. A great way to communicate this is, yes, via email!

Discount emails help increase product awareness and sales. They also tend to boost customer engagement and loyalty.

The goal is to turn subscribers into customers and then into loyal advocates of your products.

How do we craft the perfect promotional email?

If you provide products as a service to your clients, you can send an email to your existing customers offering them a discount on their next purchase.

While you want to make sure this email is clear and concise, you also don’t want it to come across as pushy.

Here’s an example where we email an influencer to review an app and offer it to their audience using a discount code.

Want to send a simple product discount email? Try this short and concise one!

This works well after a user has sent you feedback on your product/service.

14. Providing confirmations and follow-ups

Client communication is essential to any business, but it can also be the hardest.

If you have to scramble to respond to emails, you’ll have a hard time keeping your clients happy.

Client communication is essential, but it also has to be easy.

A great way to make it easy is with brief emails confirming what you said in your initial email, meeting, or conversation.

Here’s an email highlighting (and confirming) what was discussed during a meeting regarding an ongoing project.

Another way to make communication with clients easy is to follow up with them after they’ve received your email.

You can do this by sending another email asking if there are any other questions.

Here’s an example that does just that!

15. Thank you email template

When you meet with a client, you want to make them feel welcomed and appreciated. A great way to do this is with a short, simple, and professional thank you email.

This can be sent as soon as you’re done with the meeting.

The key to a great thank you email is brevity. Make it as short as possible and keep it to one or two sentences.

You can also make the email customizable for your specific recipient by including their name and specific information.


We have covered quite a lot of ground in the article about emails.

We briefly discussed the value of emails in all your client communications.

Also, we looked at guidelines to keep in mind when always talking with clients via email. We also took a peek under the hood of what a good email copy should be.

And finally, we reviewed 15 different situations where emails can be handy (with examples and templates).

Are there any other situations that I missed out in this article? How else have you used email with your clients?

Let me know in the comments below.

Article by
Pratik Chaskar


Pratik Chaskar holds the pivotal role of CTO at Brainstorm Force, serving as the backbone of the company. Renowned for his organizational skills, strategic thinking, problem-solving attitude, and expertise in leading and executing plans, Pratik plays a crucial role in the BSF’s technological landscape.

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  1. Rita Profile Pic

    What e-mail address would you recommend using when sending bi-weekly e-mails to prospects. We are using newsletter@…. should we use Solutions@ or something else
    What are your thoughts??

  2. Emily Elizabeth Profile Pic

    I appreciate you sharing this priceless knowledge since it is very helpful. Keep writing! It is imperative to communicate with your clients and Email Marketing is the best implementation to engage your customers.

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