1. Lindsay Collier Profile Pic

    Thank you so much for this quick walk-through! I contacted a freelancer for the same problem, and he suggested that I need to buy an SSL certification to fix this issue. So I decided to get online help and popped on your article! You guys saved my life.

  2. Ethel James Profile Pic

    You’re fantastic; I’ve found Many forums on this topic, I must say no one explained it like you. Your post solved my issue in minutes.
    I just dropped an email to my host providers, and they quickly changed the upload limit.

    1. Team Astra Profile Pic

      Hello Ethel,

      That’s awesome! So glad to hear that our article helped you immensely. 🙂 Do share it with others!

  3. Grace Profile Pic

    Even after solving the maximum file upload size issue, I’m unable to install the premium theme. It looks like my hosting is at fault here.

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