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How To Fix Not Being Able To Edit Submenu Colors, Above and Below Header?

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Did you experience not being able to edit Submenu Colors with Header Footer Builder, or Above and Below headers you added using the Page Header module?

Astra Pro Addon version 3.5.7 corrects this, but the fix is not applied automatically to existing websites. Learn how to solve this. 

Why Do I Need This Improvement?

Before the Astra theme’s version 3.0 and Header Footer Builder that came with it, the “Header Section” module as part of the Astra Pro was providing some advanced options for the old Astra Header (like Swapping section positions on mobile, some typo options, or color options, etc.). 

The reason for this is that the Header Footer Builder was still dependant on the “Header Section” module for the users who switched from the old header versions. Thus, when this module was not activated in Astra Options the mentioned issues were appearing.

Though Astra Pro 3.5.7 update removed this dependency completely, this change won’t be applied automatically to your website to avoid unwanted effects on your existing websites.

How To Fix This?

For all new websites, this fix will be applied automatically when you update the plugin (Astra Pro). 

For the existing website, this improvement needs to be activated by adding a filter after updating the plugin. This was done to allow you to check how these changes apply to your website and make any changes if needed. 

To apply the improvement to your existing website, you would need to add a filter to the functions.php file of your Child Theme. If you don’t have your Child Theme installed, please check this article on how to do it. Please add the following filter:

add_filter( 'astra_remove_header_sections_dependency', '__return_true' );

If you are not sure how to add this code, please check this article.

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