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Page Headers Overview

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This is a premium feature available with Astra Pro Addon plugin. To use these Pro features, you need to have the Astra theme along with the Astra Pro Addon installed on your WordPress website.

You can design attractive Page Title/ Page Header area with breadcrumbs, background color/image. You can also design site header to suit your page header design on the particular page.

When your website has an above/ below header, and you are using the Page Headers options in Astra Pro:

When a page header is created, the above header and below headers are not automatically enabled. You need to enable the option in the page header settings. Refer to the below-attached screenshot for reference.

Quick Steps on How to Design Attractive Page Headers Using the Page Headers Module
Step 1: Make sure you have the Astra Pro Addon plugin installed and activated. How to Install Astra Pro Addon plugin?
Step 2: Activate the module from the Astra Pro Modules under the WordPress Dashboard > Astra
Step 3: After enabling the Page Header module, click on the ‘Settings’ option to design page headers.

Page Headers Overview

After activating a module, click on the Settings option to get started.

Now you can see the Page Header dashboard to create page headers of your choice.

Page Headers Overview

Add a new page header & give an appropriate name to it.
Choose options for Page Header, Site Header, and set the Display Rules and you are done!

Page Header


It will arrange the page title and breadcrumbs (if enabled) on one another in the middle of the page.

It will appear on the front end as –


It will display the page title and breadcrumbs (if enabled) in the right and the left side.

It will appear on the front end as-

Display Breadcrumb

Breadcrumbs show the current location of the user on the website. It is often used as a secondary navigation that allows users to go up and down in the hierarchy of links.

You need to enable this option if you want to display breadcrumbs.

Display Breadcrumb

Title and Breadcrumb Colors

You can set colors for title and breadcrumb text with these options.

Page Headers Overview

It will appear on the front end as-

Page Headers Overview

Background Size

You can define a height for the page header with this option. It enhances the page header design.

Custom Size

You can define Top and Bottom Padding for the page header. Custom Size can be given any positive number with or without units as “5px” or “5px”. Default unit is in “%”

Page Headers Overview

It will appear on the front end as-

Page Headers Overview

Full Size

It will display page header as a full screen.

Page Headers Overview

It will appear on the front end as –

Page Headers Overview


You can set color or image as a background for page header.


You can choose a color from color picker for page header background.


You can set a background image for page header with this option.

You get following advanced options with this-
Override this image with the featured image on individual posts & pages.
If you want to override the above background image with the featured image that you have set for a particular post or page, enable the option.

Overlay Background Color
If you enable this option, background color (if set any) will be applied as an overlay for the background image.

It will appear on the front end as –

Page Headers Overview

In the parallax effect, the background image is moved at a different speed than the foreground content while scrolling.
Enable this option if you want parallax effect for the background image.

If you want to remove Page Title from page header, you would need to use custom code (filter).

Site Header

If you wish to customize the current site header along with the page header, you can use this option.
When you customize your site header with this option, all settings under Site Header tab will override the customizer settings for current site header.

Merge Page Header with Site Header

This option will merge the page header with the current site header. It will set a current header as transparent and pull the page header to the top. Enabling this option will display the advanced customization options list.

Page Headers Overview

It will appear on the front end as –

Page Headers Overview

Site Identity

This allows you to choose a logo for your header different than your site logo. Leave this empty if you want to use the same logo as your site logo. You can add normal as well as retina logo and can set easily set a logo width.

Customize Site Header

When you merge the page header with site header, background set for page header will be applied automatically to the site header.
You can set Background Overlay Color, Border Bottom Size, and Color for your site header with this option.

Primary Menu

If you want to override the current menu colors for the site header, use these options.
You can set Background Color, Link / Text Color and Link Active / Hover Color with this.

Submenu Color Options [NEW]

From Astra Pro v2.5.0, we are introducing separate options for Link Active Color, and Submenu Color options as shown below. Similarly, these options will be seen for the Above Header, and Below Header Link and Submenu color options too.

Custom Primary Menu

If you want to display a different menu that your Primary Menu, you can select it from the drop-down. All menu available on site will appear in the drop-down.

Custom Menu Item

It allows you to add a custom menu item at the end of the selected menu from the above option. You can select a custom menu item from the drop-down.


This option wouldn’t be available if you’re using Header Footer Builder (available with Astra theme versions 3.0.0 and above).

Custom Menu Items

Customizer Setting

Choose this if you want to display Custom Menu Item set for Primary Header in the customizer.

Astra Customizer Settings


It will add a search icon for a search box at the end of the selected menu. When you click on the icon search box will appear.

Custom Menu Search

It will appear on front end as-

Astra Search Icon

Text / HTML

It will allow you to insert text and HTML element code. You can insert a call to action button, contact number, email address etc.

Custom Text Options


You can add a widget to the header with this option.

Widgets Outside

After selecting the widget option as a custom menu item, you will able to set a widget from Appearance > Customize > Widgets > Header

Astra Widgets

Choose any WordPress default widget or you can use any third-party plugin to add a widget to the list.

Take custom menu item outside
This option allows you to separate your custom menu item from the selected menu. It will show your custom menu item separately on responsive devices-

Take Custom Menu Item Outsite

Note: If you have activated Header Section Addon and using Above and/or Below Header section, then you get an option to customize them.

Display Rules

Display On

You can choose your page header to display on specific pages, posts on your site. Choose a location from the list. You can Add Display rule and/or Exclusion rule.

Page Headers Display Rules

User Roles

You can decide a user role for which page header should be visible.

Page Headers User Role

We have designed a demo using Page Headers Addon. It will show how you can creatively use Page Headers Addon.

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