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  1. michael kennedy Profile Pic
    michael kennedy

    Thanks for such quality training. If only I had known, lol. Great information to have.

  2. hakan Profile Pic

    I made a lot of theme changes. However, this article has become a very instructive roadmap for those who follow. Good thing I passed to Astra.

  3. Hakan Profile Pic

    I have a site built as asp and I want to convert it to Astra. Can you suggest a roadmap on this issue? Thanks in advance …

  4. David Profile Pic

    Thank you, this is the article I was looking for. Btw may I know what you use for your great and fast website? I’m also planning to create a simple website for my business, but I need a domain and hosting recommendation. I hear asphostportal has a good reputation for that. Can you recommend them or are there any alternatives?

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