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Set Parallax Effect on Responsive Devices with Page Header

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We have an improvement for the Page Header addon you will now be able to set the Parallax Effect on responsive devices too.

You will find the new option under the same section of Page Header. Now you will instead find the options to enable the Parallax on specific devices where you want to display the Parallax effect.

The main reason we have implemented this option?

  • Some images do not appear properly with the Parallax effect on responsive devices like mobile phones. In such cases, users can disable the parallax effect on Mobile and vice versa.

The New select option contains the following choices

  1. None = Disable Parallax across all devices.
  2. Desktop + Mobile = Enable parallax on both the devices.
  3. Desktop = Enable parallax on just Desktop ( Disable on mobile )
  4. Mobile = Enable parallax on just Mobile ( Disable on Desktop )

How to Enable the Parallax Effect on Responsive Devices?

  1. Create a new Page Header by clicking the Settings option in the Astra Dashboard Page Headers module.

Then, you will be redirected to the Page Headers dashboard where you can create page headers. Here, click the ‘Add New‘ option.

Now, In their settings, You will notice that the old option ( checkbox ) to enable Parallax has been replaced with the new option ( Dropdown ).

Note: We have also taken care of the Existing and New Users with this Improvement.

For existing users:

We will migrate the already set values, so if the user had the option enabled, it will work as it is and the parallax effect will be enabled after updating to 2.2.5 or above.

Users will now be able to select the Options from the responsive devices as per their requirement.

For new users:

By default, the Parallax will be set to None and it can be changed as required for the responsive devices.

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