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Remove Primary Navigation Menu with Hook

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To remove Primary Navigation Menu, you can add the following PHP code –

remove_action( 'astra_masthead_toggle_buttons', 'astra_masthead_toggle_buttons_primary' );
remove_action( 'astra_masthead_content', 'astra_primary_navigation_markup', 10 );


function remove_primary_menu_callback() {
    remove_action( 'astra_masthead_toggle_buttons', 'astra_masthead_toggle_buttons_primary' );
    remove_action( 'astra_masthead_content', 'astra_primary_navigation_markup', 10 );
add_action( 'init', 'remove_primary_menu_callback' );

Check out the doc that explains how to add custom PHP code using the child theme’s functions.php file. 

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