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How to Add Background Images?

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Before the update to version 4.4.0, Astra offered only two background options: one for the entire site and one for the content. However, the latest version has brought a significant enhancement.

Now, you have the ability to customize the background for each page, including the background image. This update allows for a more personalized touch, as opposed to the previous options that applied a uniform look to the entire site. 

With Astra 4.4.0, a new feature called Page-Specific Settings has been introduced, enabling users to set distinct backgrounds for each page.

Why Astra Page-Specific Settings?

The introduction of Astra Page-Specific Settings is a game-changer. It allows you to override the global settings for site and content backgrounds, providing complete control over the visual appearance of each page. This flexibility allows for creative customization, breaking free from the constraints of global setting uniformity.

Let’s dive into the process of implementing Page-Specific Settings:

Ensure that both the Astra theme and Astra Pro Addon are installed on your WordPress website. Activate the Colors & Background module in the Astra settings.

You can follow the steps below to set page-specific backgrounds:

  • Navigate to the desired page or post.
  • Open the advanced settings from Astra Meta Settings for that specific page or post.
  • Locate the new “Surface Colors” section in the popup modal.
  • Within this section, add the background images for both the Page and Content.

For a visual guide, you can refer to the attached GIF.

In essence, these page-specific settings allow users to effortlessly assign unique background images to each page, providing a more dynamic and visually appealing website. We hope you find this information helpful in unleashing your creativity with Astra!

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