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Usage Tracking

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Did not find a solution? We are here to help you succeed.

We are committed to making our products better every day and it isn’t possible without the help of our users like you. 

By allowing to collect non-personal information about your website and server configuration, you can help us understand different possibilities and test our products better. 

We thank you in advance for enabling this option 🙂

What Exactly Do We Track? 

We will anonymously track the following parameters – 

  • List of active plugins
  • Active theme
  • Products by Brainstorm Force
  • The version of Curl SSL
  • Version of Curl
  • URL of the Website
  • If site is using external object cache?
  • Is GD extension available?
  • BSF Updater Version
  • Is Imagik Extension available
  • If a website is WordPress Multisite installation
  • Whether SSL certificate is installed
  • If the wp-content directory is writable?
  • The MYSQL version
  • The PHP ini setting – php_max_execution_time
  • The PHP ini setting – php_max_input_vars
  • The PHP ini setting – php_memory_limit
  • The PHP ini setting – php_os
  • The PHP ini setting – php_post_max_size
  • The php_version
  • The server software
  • WordPress Language
  • Timezone set in WordPress
  • Whether wp_debug is enabled
  • Whether wp_debug_display is enabled
  • The version of WordPress installed
  • If the xmlreader exists
  • If zip_installed is enabled
  • Is script_debug enabled?

By collecting this non-personal information, we develop better, more compatible software and serve our customers better.

How to Enable/Disable Usage Tracking? 

You will see an admin notice that will allow you to enable usage tracking.

Analytics Admin Notice

You can manually allow tracking anytime from Settings > General > Usage Tracking. Tick the checkbox and save the changes. In case you wish to disable it, you can hit the same checkbox.

BSF Analytics - General Settings

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